When I was asked to make a vegan wedding cake, having never made a vegan cake of any sort, I thought I'd take on the challenge!!! When I was asked by the bride-to-be to make a vegan '55 Chevy birthday cake for the groom-to-be as a test run, I thought why not? Wow, to say this was the most time consuming test run ever, is an understatement!!! To say I was happy with the outcome is also an understatement!
This vegan carrot cake, which is amazingly delicious, was filled with vegan cream cheese icing and covered in fondant, which also happens to be vegan. I realize that it is a 1955 Chevy, but the licence plate says 1960. That's not a mistake, it's just my usual finishing touch, where I put the year the birthday person was born on the licence plate! With this project under my belt, I was ready to take on the wedding cake challenge... watch for that post coming soon!!!